Advanced Usage

Server #

  "listen": ":36712", // Listen address
  "protocol": "faketcp", // "udp", "wechat-video", "faketcp". Empty = "udp"
  "acme": {
    "domains": [
    ], // Domains for the ACME cert
    "email": "[email protected]", // Registration email, optional but recommended
    "disable_http": false, // Disable HTTP challenges
    "disable_tlsalpn": false, // Disable TLS-ALPN challenges
    "alt_http_port": 8080, // Alternate port for HTTP challenges
    "alt_tlsalpn_port": 4433 // Alternate port for TLS-ALPN challenges
  "cert": "/home/ubuntu/my_cert.crt", // Cert file, mutually exclusive with the ACME options above
  "key": "/home/ubuntu/my_key.crt", // Key file, mutually exclusive with the ACME options above
  "up": "100 Mbps", // Max upload speed per client, mutually exclusive with "up_mbps" below
  "up_mbps": 100, // Max upload Mbps per client
  "down": "100 Mbps", // Max download speed per client, mutually exclusive with "down_mbps" below
  "down_mbps": 100, // Max download Mbps per client
  "disable_udp": false, // Disable UDP support
  "acl": "my_list.acl", // See ACL page
  "mmdb": "GeoLite2-Country.mmdb", // MaxMind database for ACL country lookups
  "obfs": "AMOGUS", // Obfuscation password
  "auth": { // Authentication
    "mode": "passwords", // Mode, supports "none" "passwords" and "external". See external authentication page for details
    "config": ["yubiyubi", "random_password2", "Мать-Россия"]
  "alpn": "ayaya", // QUIC TLS ALPN, must be the same as the client
  "prometheus_listen": ":8080", // Prometheus HTTP metrics server listen address (at /metrics)
  "recv_window_conn": 15728640, // QUIC stream receive window
  "recv_window_client": 67108864, // QUIC connection receive window
  "max_conn_client": 4096, // Max concurrent connections per client
  "disable_mtu_discovery": false, // Disable Path MTU Discovery (RFC 8899)
  "resolver": "udp://", // DNS resolver address
  "resolve_preference": "64", // DNS IPv4/IPv6 preference. Available options: "64" (IPv6 first, fallback to IPv4), "46" (IPv4 first, fallback to IPv6), "6" (IPv6 only), "4" (IPv4 only)
  "socks5_outbound": {
    "server": "", // SOCKS5 proxy server
    "user": "user", // SOCKS5 proxy username
    "password": "password" // SOCKS5 proxy password
  "bind_outbound": {
    "address": "", // Bind address for outbound connections
    "device": "eth0" // Bind device for outbound connections (usually requires root)

Speed #

Format: [Integer] [Unit] e.g. 100 Mbps, 640 KBps, 2 Gbps

Supported units (case sensitive, b = bits, B = bytes, 8b=1B):

  • bps (bits per second)
  • Bps (bytes per second)
  • Kbps (kilobits per second)
  • KBps (kilobytes per second)
  • Mbps (megabits per second)
  • MBps (megabytes per second)
  • Gbps (gigabits per second)
  • GBps (gigabytes per second)
  • Tbps (terabits per second)
  • TBps (terabytes per second)


Only HTTP and TLS-ALPN challenges are currently supported (no DNS challenges). Make sure your TCP ports 80/443 are accessible respectively.

Prometheus Metrics #

You can make Hysteria expose a Prometheus HTTP client endpoint for monitoring traffic usage with prometheus_listen. If configured on port 8080, the endpoint would be at

hysteria_active_conn{auth="55m95auW5oCq"} 32
hysteria_active_conn{auth="aGFja2VyISE="} 7

hysteria_traffic_downlink_bytes_total{auth="55m95auW5oCq"} 122639
hysteria_traffic_downlink_bytes_total{auth="aGFja2VyISE="} 3.225058e+06

hysteria_traffic_uplink_bytes_total{auth="55m95auW5oCq"} 40710
hysteria_traffic_uplink_bytes_total{auth="aGFja2VyISE="} 37452

auth is the auth payload sent by the clients, encoded in Base64.


Hysteria supports a variety of DNS protocols.

  • Standard UDP/TCP: udp://host, tcp://host, udp://host:port, tcp://host:port
  • DNS over HTTPS: https://url
  • DNS over TLS: tls://host, tls://host:port
  • DNS over QUIC: quic://host:port

When no scheme is provided and the address is just an IP address, it wil be assumed to be a UDP DNS server on port 53.

Client #

  "server": "", // Server address
  "protocol": "faketcp", // "udp", "wechat-video", "faketcp". Empty = "udp"
  "up": "10 Mbps", // Max upload speed, mutually exclusive with "up_mbps" below
  "up_mbps": 10, // Max upload Mbps
  "down": "50 Mbps", // Max download speed, mutually exclusive with "down_mbps" below
  "down_mbps": 50, // Max download Mbps
  "retry": 3, // Number of retries when unable to connect to the server at startup. 0 (default) = no retry. Negative value = infinite retries.
  "retry_interval": 5, // Retry interval in seconds
  "quit_on_disconnect": false, // Quit the client when disconnected from the server
  "handshake_timeout": 10, // Handshake timeout in seconds
  "idle_timeout": 60, // Idle timeout in seconds. The client will send a ping to the server every 2/5 of this value.
  "hop_interval": 120, // Port hopping interval in seconds. See port hopping page for details.
  "socks5": {
    "listen": "", // SOCKS5 listen address
    "timeout": 300, // TCP timeout in seconds
    "disable_udp": false, // Disable UDP support
    "user": "me", // SOCKS5 authentication username
    "password": "lmaolmao" // SOCKS5 authentication password
  "http": {
    "listen": "", // HTTP listen address
    "timeout": 300, // TCP timeout in seconds
    "user": "me", // HTTP authentication username
    "password": "lmaolmao", // HTTP authentication password
    "cert": "/home/ubuntu/my_cert.crt", // Cert file (HTTPS proxy)
    "key": "/home/ubuntu/my_key.crt" // Key file (HTTPS proxy)
  "tun": {
    "name": "tun-hy", // TUN interface name
    "timeout": 300, // Timeout in seconds
    "mtu": 1500, // MTU size
    "tcp_sndbuf": "4m", // TCP send buffer size, in a human-readable string representation (e.g. 4096, 4k, 2m)
    "tcp_rcvbuf": "4m", // TCP receive buffer size, in a human-readable string representation (e.g. 4096, 4k, 2m)
    "tcp_autotuning": true, // Enable TCP receive buffer auto-tuning
  "relay_tcps": [
      "listen": "", // TCP relay listen address
      "remote": "", // TCP relay remote address
      "timeout": 300 // TCP timeout in seconds
      "listen": "", // TCP relay listen address
      "remote": "", // TCP relay remote address
      "timeout": 300 // TCP timeout in seconds
  "relay_udps": [
      "listen": "", // UDP relay listen address
      "remote": "", // UDP relay remote address
      "timeout": 60 // UDP session timeout in seconds
      "listen": "", // UDP relay listen address
      "remote": "", // UDP relay remote address
      "timeout": 60 // UDP session timeout in seconds
  "tproxy_tcp": {
    "listen": ":9000", // TCP TProxy listen address
    "timeout": 300 // TCP timeout in seconds
  "tproxy_udp": {
    "listen": ":9000", // UDP TProxy listen address
    "timeout": 60 // UDP session timeout in seconds
  "redirect_tcp": {
    "listen": "", // TCP Redirect listen address
    "timeout": 300 // TCP timeout in seconds
  "acl": "my_list.acl", // See ACL page
  "mmdb": "GeoLite2-Country.mmdb", // MaxMind database for ACL country lookups
  "obfs": "AMOGUS", // Obfuscation password
  "auth": "[BASE64]", // Authentication payload in Base64
  "auth_str": "yubiyubi", // Authentication payload in string, mutually exclusive with the option above
  "alpn": "ayaya", // QUIC TLS ALPN, must be the same as the server
  "server_name": "", // TLS hostname used to verify the server certificate
  "insecure": false, // Ignore all certificate errors 
  "ca": "", // Custom CA file
  "recv_window_conn": 15728640, // QUIC stream receive window
  "recv_window": 67108864, // QUIC connection receive window
  "disable_mtu_discovery": false, // Disable Path MTU Discovery (RFC 8899)
  "fast_open": false, // Enable fast open (reduce connection establishment latency)
  "lazy_start": false, // Connect to the server only when there is an incoming connection
  "resolver": "udp://", // DNS resolver address
  "resolve_preference": "64" // DNS IPv4/IPv6 preference. Available options: "64" (IPv6 first, fallback to IPv4), "46" (IPv4 first, fallback to IPv6), "6" (IPv6 only), "4" (IPv4 only)

Fake TCP / TCP masquerade #

Certain networks may impose various restrictions on UDP traffic or block it altogether. Hysteria offers a “faketcp” mode that allows servers and clients to communicate using a protocol that looks like TCP but does not actually go through the system TCP stack. This tricks whatever middleboxes into thinking it’s actually TCP traffic, rendering UDP-specific restrictions useless.

This mode is currently only supported on Linux (both client and server) and requires root privileges.

If your server is behind a firewall, open the corresponding TCP port instead of UDP.

Transparent proxy #

TPROXY and REDIRECT modes (tproxy_tcp, tproxy_udp, redirect_tcp) are only available on Linux.


Fast Open #

Fast Open can shave off one RTT for every connection at the cost of the correct semantics of SOCKS5/HTTP/TUN protocols. When enabled, the client will always accept a connection immediately without confirming with the server that its destination is reachable. If the server then fails to connect or rejects the connection, the client will just close it without sending any data.