
About Dockerfile #

Be aware that our official Docker image is based on alpine. This means that some glibc calls may not work if you run programs that depend on glibc.

By default, bash is installed for debugging, tzdata is used to provide time zone configuration, and ca-certificates is used to ensure the trust of the ssl certificate chain. It does not contain any other tools that are not part of the standard alpine system.

The hysteria executable is at /usr/local/bin/hysteria. ENTRYPOINT is set to execute the hysteria command - this means that when the container starts, the hysteria command will be executed by default.

Usage #

For average Docker users #

You can mount the configuration file to any location and use -c to specify the location.

In the following command, we assume that the /root/hysteria.json configuration file is mounted to /etc/hysteria.json:

⚠️ Note: If you don’t want to use the host network (--network=host), please make sure that the hysteria UDP port is correctly mapped (-p 1234:1234/udp)

# Please replace `/root/hysteria.json` with your actual configuration file path
docker run -dt --network=host --name hysteria \
    -v /root/hysteria.json:/etc/hysteria.json \
    tobyxdd/hysteria -c /etc/hysteria.json server

For docker-compose users #

Create a directory and copy docker-compose.yaml to it. Create your own configuration file and mount it to the container.

# Create dir
mkdir hysteria && cd hysteria

# Download the docker-compose example config

# Create your config
cat <<EOF > hysteria.json
  "listen": ":36712",
  "acme": {
    "domains": [
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "obfs": "8ZuA2Zpqhuk8yakXvMjDqEXBwY",
  "up_mbps": 100,
  "down_mbps": 100

# Start
docker-compose up -d