Quick Start

This is only a bare-bones example to get the server and client running. Go to Advanced Usage for more details.

Server #

Create a config.json in the directory.

The Hysteria server requires a TLS certificate. You have two options:

  1. Use the built-in ACME client to automatically obtain a free certificate from Let’s Encrypt. This is the easiest option, assuming you have a domain name resolved to your server and a valid email address.
  "listen": ":36712",
  "acme": {
    "domains": [
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "obfs": "8ZuA2Zpqhuk8yakXvMjDqEXBwY"
  1. Provide your own certificate files.
  "listen": ":36712",
  "cert": "/home/ubuntu/my.crt",
  "key": "/home/ubuntu/my.key",
  "obfs": "8ZuA2Zpqhuk8yakXvMjDqEXBwY"

The (optional) obfs option obfuscates the protocol using the provided password, so that it is not apparent that this is Hysteria/QUIC, which could be useful for bypassing DPI blocking or QoS. If the passwords of the server and client do not match, no connection can be established. Therefore, this can also serve as a simple password authentication. For more advanced authentication schemes, see auth in Advanced Usage.

⚠ Warning ⚠ For users who use Hysteria to bypass censorship in China, Iran, etc., we strongly advise you NOT to disable obfs. And remember to use a strong password of your own.

To launch the server, simply run

./hysteria-linux-amd64 server

If your config file is not named config.json or is in a different path, specify it with -c:

./hysteria-linux-amd64 -c blah.json server

Client #

Same as the server side, create a config.json under the root directory of the program:

  "server": "example.com:36712",
  "obfs": "8ZuA2Zpqhuk8yakXvMjDqEXBwY",
  "up_mbps": 10,
  "down_mbps": 50,
  "socks5": {
    "listen": ""
  "http": {
    "listen": ""

This config enables a SOCKS5 proxy (with both TCP & UDP support), and an HTTP proxy at the same time. There are many other modes in Hysteria, be sure to check them out in Advanced Usage. To enable or disable a mode, simply add or remove its entry in the config file.

If your server certificate is not issued by a trusted CA, you need to specify the CA used with "ca": "/path/to/file.ca" on the client or use "insecure": true to ignore all certificate errors (not recommended).

up_mbps and down_mbps are mandatory on the client side. They should reflect the bandwidth of your current network as accurately as possible. If you don’t know what to put here, we strongly suggest you to use a speed test website to measure your network speed first. Having inaccurate values (both too high or too low) will result in degraded performance.

To launch the client, simply run


If your config file is not named config.json or is in a different path, specify it with -c:

./hysteria-linux-amd64 -c blah.json